

Rabu, 27 November 2013

Cardcaptor Sakura movie 2 English Sub

key love card captor sakura when i was still child. so try to look for it in youtube and i found it. i love this movie... thank you I lk A N I M E has upload it. (^_^)/ arigato gozaimasu.....

Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013

Fo_oD: Coto Makassar

Kali ini Key present a food from Sulawesi. it's delicious and many of cooking spices in Indonesia. here we go...

material / bahan:
1 kg beef/daging sapi
2 liter white rice water/air cucian beras putih 
5 lemongrass, crused it /batang serai,dimemarkan dulu 
5 bay leaves/ lembar daun salam 
250 gram peanut, fried toasted, mash and puree /kacang tanah, sangrai, tumbuk, and haluskan. 
3 table spoon cooking oil, for sauteing/ sendok makan minyak goreng, untuk menumis 
5 cm ginger, crused/ jahe, memarkan 
1 vertebra galangal, crused it/ ruas lengkuas, dimemarkan dulu 
5 cm cinnamon/ kayu manis

smooth flavor ingredients/ bumbu halus:cloves roasted hazelnut/  butir kemiri disangrai dulu10 cloves of garlic/ siung bawang putih12 red onions/  butir bawang merahtablespoon cilantro, roasted/sendok makan ketumbar, disangrai duluteaspoon cumin, roastedsendok teh jintan, disangrai dulutablespoon salt/ sendok makan garam teaspoon of pepper grains/sendok teh merica butiran.
1 tablespoon brown sugar sliced/ sdm irisan gula merah

2 tablespoon tauco

complement / pelengkap: 
fried onions,  sliced ​​green onion and sliced ​​celery.
bawang goreng, irisan daun bawang dan irisan daun seledri.

How to cook coto Makassar/ cara memasak
Boiled beef, tripe, liver and heart, give lemongrass, galangal, ginger and bay leaves after being cooked remove and drain, cut into cubes. Heat oil, sauté the crushed spices until fragrant, put into the broth, add the fried peanuts, bring to a boil.
Presentation, prepare a bowl, fill with meat and give the sauce, sprinkle with fried onions, sliced green onion and celery. ^_^ it's better adding some chili
Rebus daging sapi, babat, hati dan jantung, beri serai, lengkuas, jahe dan daun salam setelah matang angkat, tiriskan, potong dadu. Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu yang dihaluskan hingga harum,masukkan kedalam kaldu, tambahkan kacang tanah goreng, didihkan. 
Penyajian, siapkan mangkuk, isi dengan daging dan beri kuahnya, taburi bawang goreng, irisan daun bawang dan seledri .^_^ baiknya tambahkan lombok

safely enjoy

Rabu, 04 September 2013

Japanese's Number

This time, Key wanna share the number in Japanese. I like Nihongo and Hangeul, so I will shared it more that I know. Here we go....

Preferred reading
On reading
Kun reading
零 / *
rei / れい
zero / ぜろ
ichi / いち
hito(tsu) / ひと・つ
ni, ji / に, じ
futa(tsu) / ふた・つ
san / さん
mi(ttsu) / み・っつ
shi / し
yon, yo(ttsu) / よん、よ・っつ
go / ご
itsu(tsu) / いつ・つ
roku / ろく
mu(ttsu) / む・っつ
shichi / しち
nana(tsu) / なな・つ
hachi / はち
ya(ttsu) / や・っつ
kyū, ku / きゅう, く
kokono(tsu) / ここの・つ
jū / じゅう
tō / とお
ni-jū / にじゅう
hata(chi) / はた・ち
san-jū / さんじゅう
miso / みそ
hyaku / ひゃく
(momo / もも)
sen / せん
(chi / ち)
man / まん
(yorozu / よろず)
oku / おく
chō / ちょう
kei / けい


jū ichi
jū nana, jū shichi
hyaku go-jū ichi
san-byaku ni
yon-hyaku roku-jū kyū
ni-sen ni-jū go

thank you have watched this... arigato...

Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2013

NUMBER = 숫자 dibaca [숫짜] (SUT-CA)

kali ini key mau share lesson about number in Korean. Key share ini because Asia or maybe world got Korean fever, including me. so key post this... i will share another post about korean or hangeul...
Angka dalam bahasa korea (native korea)

1 = 하나 (hana)
2 = (dul)
3 = /(set)
4 = / (net)
5 = 다섯 /다섣 (daseot)
6 = 여섯 / 여섣 (yeoseot)
7 = 일곱 (ilgob)
8 = 여덟 /여덜 (yeodeol)
9 = 아홉 (ahob)
10 = (yeol)
20 = 스물 (seumul)
21 =스물 하나 (seumul hana) caranya 20+1
22 =스물 둘 (seumul dul) caranya 20+2
23 =스물셋 (seumul set) caranya 20+3
24 = 스둘 넷 (seumul net) caranya 20+4
25 =스물 다섯 (seumul daseot) caranya 20+5
26 =스물 여섯 (seumul yeoseot)
27 =스물 일곱 (seumul ilgob)
28 =스물 여덟 (seumul yeodeol)
29 =스물 아홉 (seumul ahob)
30 = 서른 (seoreun)
40 = 마흔(maheun)
50 = (swin)
60 = 예순 (yesun)
70 = 일흔 (ilheun)
80 = 여든 (yeodeun)
90 = 아흔 (aheun)

Angka dalam bahasa korea dengan gaya china (Sino Korea), digunakan untuk menghitung angka di korea.

0 = /(yeong/eung)
1 = (il)
2 =  (i)
3 = (sam)
4 = (sa)
5 = (o)
6 = (yuk)
7 = (chil)
8 = (phal)
9 = (gu)
10 = (sip)
11 = 십일 (sip-il)
12 = 십이 (sip-i)
13 = 십삼 (sip-sam)
14 = 십사 (sip-sa)
15 = 십오 (sip-o)
20 = 이십 (i-sip)
21 = 이십일 (i-sip-il)
22 = 이십이 (i-sip-i)
30 = 암십 (samsip)
40 = 사십 (sasip)
50 = 오십 (osip)
60 = 육십 (yuksip)
70 = 칠십 (chilsip)
80 = 팔십 (phalsip)
90 = 구십 (gusip)
100 = (baek)
1000 = (cheon)
10.000 = (man)
100.000 = 십만 (sipman)
1.000.000 = 백만 (baekman)

 thanks has read this.. gamsahamnida ^_^/

Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

Lenka - everything at once video's with lyric (anime version)

hello guys... how are you? today key mau postkan lagu yg I loved. it's Lenka - everything at once. video ini udah lama gue upload di youtube tapi kali ini baru sempet nge post. di video ini full of anime yg key suka and tentu key tampilin lyricnya. many my friends like it. hope you like it too.

Minggu, 23 Juni 2013


Key kali ini buat video yang menampilkan liric dengan menggunakan anime girl koleksi key... hope you enjoy it... please your comment... arigato gozaimasu.... ^_^

Minggu, 09 Juni 2013


Minggu malam ini key pengen makan ayam goreng. Saat key pengen goreng tuh ayam, key remembered food yang ada di film rooftop princes. Do you know what it is? It is omurice or they call omuraisu... I canceled to fry the chickens. kemudian aku search deh di internet for make sure what is omurice. Ternyata omurice tuh adalah makanan yang ada di korea dan japan…. When I lihat resepnya it’s seem like rice fries or nasi goreng yang dibungkus telur dadar. So I try it, walaupun key hanya menggunakan bahan yang ada di rumah karena dah malas keluar malam …

Here we go omurice ala Key
Nasi satu mangkuk (mangkuk yang biasa digunakan untuk nyetak nasi di kotak makanan)
Daging ayam secukupnya (potong dadu)
Sosis 2 buah (potong ukuran 1 cm kemudian belah 4)
Wortel setengah buah ( potong dadu dgn ukuran ½ atau 1 cm)
Daun bawang (iris tipis)
Garam dan lada secukupnya
Mentimun  (potong dadu)
Telur 3 butir
Cabai merah 1 buah. (iris miring)
Saos tomat dan saos lombok.
Margarine 2 sendok
Bawang merah 3 siung (iris tipis)
Bawang putih 3 siung (di keprek dan iris)
Cara buat:
Pertama masukkan margarine hingga meleleh. Kemudian masukkan bawang merah, bawang putih, cabai merah setelah harum masukkan daging ayam dan wortel. Tunggu hingga daging dan wortel matang kemudian masukkan 1 butir telur yang sudah di kocok dan masukkan lada. Kemudian masukkan nasi, dan hingga semuanya tercampur rata dan aduk hingga matang menjadi nasi goreng. Matikan api dan masukkan daun bawang, mentimun dan garam, aduk hingga rata. Diamkan. Btw, aku naruh mentimun di akhir krn aku dapat info kalau mentimun digoreng bisa zat yang ada di mentimun menjadi biang penyebab kanker. Trus garam diakhir karena klo dimasak, yodiumnya bisa meng-uap. Kalau buat daun bawang itu karena aku pengen daun bawangnya ngak layu banget. Hehe
Yang kedua kocok 2 butir telur sisa dan campurka lada dan garam secukupnya trus dadar deh.
Yang ketiga bungkus nasi yang sudah di goreng tadi dengan telur. Awalnya sih Key bungkus, key taruh nasi diatas telur, tapi sulit untuk naruh di piring atau ngebalik Karena bisa hancur. Jadi key naruh nasinya di piring dan taruh telurnya di atas kemudian key usahain untuk nyelipin ujung telur dibawah nasi seperti nyeprein bed.  Dan itu kelihatan kayak dah dibungkus. Akhirnya key naruh saos tomat diatasnya dan nambahin saos Lombok.
Sebenarnya sih omurice tuh cuman pakai saos tomat tapi aku nambahin saos Lombok karena aku lebih suka makanan yang ada pedasnya. And for me it’s delicious. What about you?
Selamat mencoba… (^_^)*

Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Dream Sto_ory: My love in Korean

hi... this January, i have dreamed a long dream. it's about love. this is just a dream so i think this stupid dream. sorry if it's not a good story. here we go.....
My love in Korean

Hello, I’m Kieki. I’m 23 years old. I don’t work yet, just help my mother take care home and business if she need me. I live in a part place that were a big field in the center and  some houses around of the field. My house one of them. It’s good house with green colour. It’s beautiful place. I have a mother and a sister name Rei.
My sister Rei has been engaged with a man name David. But actually, David is a playboy. He always come to me when Rei not here. I really don’t like it. Because I love David when he still single but now he has engaged with Rei, my sister. He will marry her. It’s about a month later. After some weeks, Rei known that David is a playboy so that she broken off her relationship with him. In that time, David tries to look after his self to keep his relation with Rei and I decided to erase my feeling to him and it’s done.
20 days later my sister was married with a man that she loves him for 10 days. It was a surprise for me because it just 10 days and she married him. When she was being married him, I realized that my friend will marry in the field tomorrow. I got her invited. I prepared myself for tomorrow too, because it’s in front of my house. Then David came, I though he want to stop Rei married but he doesn’t do that. He came to me and said he love me. What should I say at him, I don’t have any feeling anymore for him? So that I ignored him, but he keep follow me wherever I go.
After the day Rei married, it’s time to my friend married. When I went out from the house, I saw Rima and Ana wearing wedding dress. They are so beautiful but Ana has so many friends, so that I decided to give my care for Rima. She said that she glad that I’m coming.
“Rima, you are so beautiful today. Where is your husband?” I said
“Oh.. He doesn’t come yet. So that we could take some photo before he come. I really want have some photo with you, but I forgot my camera.” Rima said
“Ok. I have a camera on my house. I’ll take it.” Said me
“Ok.” Said Rima
I went to my house to take my camera. When I’ve been taken it and brought it out, I met a man. He is handsome, but he was sad. I try to ask him what’s wrong with him because this is my friend married, he sould be happy. Then he says that he was ex-boyfriend of Rima. I’m shock when I heard that. I don’t know what I should do, so that I try to make him say all his things that make him shock gone calmly.
“Why are you sadness?”
“I love Rima but she broke my heart. She leaves me and married with another man. I’m so angry and ask her why. She just said want to leave me. She doesn’t have feeling to me. She only hangs out with me. I want angry at her but I couldn’t because I love her. I want she’s happy with her husband even thought it hurt me.” He said then fall some tears.
“Oh God, it is sad story, wish you get better. BTW, what’s your name?”
“I’m… no I don’t have to say it to you. It’s not necessary. Thanks, you want to hear my love story. Bye girl.”
“Bye. Have nice day.”
After that he smiled at me then went into a house beside Rimas’ house. It made so many questions in my mind about him but I can’t did it because he was Rimas’ ex boyfriend. I went to Rimas’ wedding and she said she look at me when I met her ex boyfriend. She told me that his name is Kim Tae Jun. He was a crossbreed man from Korean and Australia. She can’t married with him because he wants to go Korea, so she decided to married with a man right now she will marry. I thought, it was a sad story but I didn’t know what I should do for them. When Rima and Ana married, I met again with David. He tried always near me. When I went home, he kept close to me. It made me crazy. My sister gave me so many things to done with David. I don’t like this thing. I was really shock.
2 days later when I just delivered Rima and her husband went for their honeymoon, I met Kim Tae Jun and his friend was jogging. I smiled at him and he smiled too, he said that he will go to Korean tomorrow. It made me surprise. Then I’m thinking about anything annoyed me in this place including David, so in my mind I will go there with him. I asked him about my idea.
“Could I accompany you go to Korean”
“What will you do there?” he said
“I don’t have any family in Korean, but I like that country. Could you give me a job to live there? I just want to go there, beside that I’m shock live here.” I said with anxious
“Why you say that? Are you alright?” he said
“I have a sad story and sad life right now” I said
“Don’t you want to say it to me?” he said
“Maybe, in other time... My feeling wasn’t good to say it.” I said
 “Ok. Now, could you speak hangeul? Korean language” he said
“I couldn’t.” I said with poorness  
 He thought for some minutes and he asked me to give him my phone number. I gave him and he called me.
“It is my number, I will call you later if you could go or not. See you!” he said
“Ok. I’ll wait it. Thanks” I said
 I was so happy hear that. I runaway to my house and prepared mine to go Korean. I asked my mother about my purposed but she ignored me. But I kept ask her. When I got a call from Tae Jun, I was so happy but nervous too.
“Hello, Kim Tae Jun” I said
“Hello, so how are you?” Tae Jun said
“Hmm… fine, but I’m nervous waiting your information. So could I go with you?”  I asked Tae Jun
“Actually, it’s hard to give you a job in Korean because you can’t speak Hangeul. So  ...” he answered
“What?! Oh God, what should I do now?” I said while I sad
“Yah… listen to me. I’ve not finish speaking yet.” He said distinct
“Really?! Ok. I’ll listen you carefully.” I answered with anxious
“So I decided to bring you to Korean but you should work for me. Ok?!” he said
“OMG… Really? I can go to Korean... I love it…. Hmm… Actually, what should I work for you in Korean?” I said happily
“I live alone in Korean, so that I’ll give you a job as housemaid. Clean my house, cook for me and help me. Could you?!” he said
“Really? I could take that’s job. Oh God, you’re so kind. Thank you very much Tae Jun. Oops... Mr. Kim. Gamsahamnida” I said gladness
“You’re welcome. So you could go tomorrow, prepare yourself. Ok!” he said
Tae Jun closed the phone and I was happy, so much happy. I asked my mother I’ll go to Korean and she allowed me to go. I go to my friend’s houses and say good bye at them. I call Rima and she was surprise but she supported me because she was happy now with her husband.
On the plane, I went with Tae Jun and his friend who I met yesterday, He told me what Tae Jun did in Indonesia. I realized that Tae Jun and his friend Marchel is kind and cute men. Tae Jun told me that he live alone in Seoul, Korean because his parents live in Australia and Marchel live with his parents in Korean. Marchel is crossbreed from Korean and Indonesia. The house that they live in Indonesia is Marchel family.
Finally I was in Korean; it made me happy to live here. There are cherry blossom flowers. It’s my favorite flower even in Indonesia just some flower in a tree, but over here different. It’s in all a tree no more leafs. Beautiful…
I’ve been in Korean for a month. So many things I love here. There are some words of Hangeul I know. Take care of Tae Jun house and Tae Jun too. Lovely… Tae Jun is novelties. He is always in his room, type his novel and think. He didn’t like, if he annoyed by someone or something. He will get out from his room when he will go out and didn’t do anything.
His house was beautiful; there were three rooms; a big room for him in upper, a room for me below and a room as parlor if somebody comes. So this house consist of two floors; first floor is filled with dining room, guest room, kitchen, a bathroom, living room and a bed room for me; upper storey or second floor is filled with a parlor, a bathroom, and Tae Jun room. Tae Jun room where fill of bed room, a bathroom and a work room.
One day he went out from this house so that I enjoyed clean upper storey. When I clean a bathroom that’s not in his room, the door threw open and he just come in and not saw what inside. I want to say hello but suddenly he opens his zipper at trouser. I just could turn back and sit. I tried to make him not realize me, I tried to get out but I can’t, it’s so hard. When he finished, he washed his hand then saw me from mirror. He looked back and saw my back.
“Who are you? What are you doing here?” he said
I just swing my hand to him says no. but he startled me.
“Are you Kieki? Kieki...”
“Animida” I said with a shock. I say it but in my mind ‘oh my god, why I say it’
“Kiekhy, what are you doing here? And…” he asked me confused
“Eh... I clean this bath room but suddenly you came in. I want to say hello but…” I answered with a shy and affraid
“But? Oh God, you just saw me take a…, oh God” he said a little bit angry and shy
“Aniyeyo, I didn’t see you, I turn back to stayed away from you... Cinja! I don’t saw you” I said with embraced
“Cinja? Hmm… don’t you saw anything?” he said while close to me. He said in my ears “Really?! You don’t see mine”
“Hmm…” I said it while shock
Because of he asked me so strange thing, so that I flicked trough my head to saw him but my lips mostly touch his lips when he want to see me too. For a moment, I was frozen up then I stepped back but I fallen and he cough my waist and I’m frozen up again. When I realized, I tried to stand up with his hands in my waist, then I said “Mianhaeyo and gomawoyo” and then I run. I just embraced myself at him. I could not face him. Then I was thinking what I should do to face him.
When I was thinking, I heard that he want get out from this house so that my feeling was better. When I got out, he didn’t here. So I prepared what he need; food, cleaning and drink. After I just done that things, I heard that he came back so I run away from him but he saw me then he ask me to stop then he laugh and I continuo my running again into my bed room. He just keeps laughing and asked me about his food, so I said to him I put it on the table in dining room with his drink. After he ate, he asked me.
“Kieki, what are you doing?” he asked
“Hmm.. nothing.” I answered him while say oops.
“Get out from your room now!” he asked me
“Ok, Mr. Kim” I answered him then I out without saw his face.
“What’s wrong? Chigeum mohae? Look at me” he asked me
“Animmida, Mr. Kim”
“Huh… if I say look at me, just look at me before I punish you” he said loudly and laugh
“Ne… Mr. Kim” I saw him with a shy.
“I want to talk to you, so that you just sit down on the chair in front of me. Ok!” he asked me
“Ne… Mr. Kim, but what do you want to say?”
“It’s about this morning, …”
“Oh God, I said that I didn’t see you on the bathroom. So don’t angry to me. Because I’m worry about it”
“What?! Who will angry to you? Ha…ha…ha… it just a kidding, don’t be afraid.”
“Huh… so you don’t angry to me? Are serious?”
“Yap… just forget it. I just want to annoy you with that thing… ha…ha…ha… so just do as always you do. Ok. Ha... ha... ha…”
After he told me that I can’t say anything because he keeps laughing, so I laugh too because he just gave me mistreat.
4 days later, when I take bath I heard something call me, so I took bath hurry. I went to my bed room then I saw Tae Jun sleep on my chair in my bed room. It made me surprise because I just wear a towel. When I tried to leave him, I realize that there is something wrong with him because she keeps sleeping. When I close to him then I asked his feeling. Then he answered me that his feeling doesn’t well. I asked him to stand up but he couldn’t, so I helped him to make a move from chair into my bed. It’s hard so that I hug him to make me easy to remove him, even though it made me embarrassed because I just wear a towel but he was sick so that he will not realize it.  
I look into Tae Jun healthy and I think he got fever. I took medicine and try to make him take a breather. When he conscious, I asked his feeling and he said that his stomach was so sick and he can’t refrain it.
“What?! You feel so sick on your stomach?! Oh God, I should call Marchel to bring a doctor for you.” I said with panic
“Don’t do that, may be it just a moment. May be I’m not really sick.” He said weakly
“Animminda, it must be hurt because you got fever when you unconscious. I’ll call him, Ok?!” I said in edge
“Yabuseyo… Marchel, Tae Jun got sick. I think it sore, because he’s fever when he feels so painfully in his stomach. Could you come with a doctor to check him? OK!”
“Are you kidding?! You’re not serious, do you?” Marchel asking with laugh
“No… I’m serious. You must hurry, he sick again! I have to take care him. I’ll wait you huh… hurry up!” I answer him firmness
When Marchel and doctor came, I was hurry to bring them to my room because Tae Jun was in my room. They check his healthy then doctor said that he must go to hospital. I asked the doctor why? And he said that Tae Jun got appendicitis. He must get operation for his appendix. It made me panic and worry about him. I just could pace up and down. Marchel chew out me to prepare anything for myself to bring Tae Jun to hospital.
On hospital I get a paper to sign. I asked Marchel about that paper and he said that it’s permission to give operation for Tae Jun, so I give that paper to Tae Jun. after Tae Jun sign that paper, Marchel asked me to call Tae Jun parents. When I was calling Tae Juns’ parents, Tae Jun scream and said to not call his parents. I asked him the reason and he said that his parents don’t know about me. It made me stood still and blank. When I want to ask him why, he cut my statement and said that I must care to him because he’ll get operation. So I just forgot that problem and focus to protect and made him kept healthy.
“Tae Jun, you have to be patient” I said with a worry
“Kieki ga… don’t worry. I’ll be patient. You just make me worry about you.” Tae Jun
“Chinja?... I’m sorry. I don’t want to make you sick again… mianheyo… I’m so sorry” I said sadness with tears.
“Oh God… she’s crying. C’mon, I’ll hug you to make you relax. If you cry like that I’ll be more worry. C’mon Kiekhy”
“Mianhamnida Tae Jun… Mianhamnida… I don’t want to annoy you. Mianheyo…” I’m crying.
“That’s okay, C’mon Kieki… I’ll be better if I hug you. OK?! This is an ordered. You should take orders from me.” He said calmly
I went closer to him then he hugged me on his arm. My feeling doesn’t well, I just cried on his arm.
I wake up in the morning then I realized that I slept on the chair and hold his hand. I try to let go of my hand easy away but he keep hold my hand then he smiled.
“Are you wake up?” Tae Jun said with closing eyes.
“Ne… Mianhamnida Tae Jun. I annoy you” I said shy
“Aniya… I just need spirit for my operation this morning. So that I need to hold your hands”
“Hmm… I’ll be always by your side. I support you and try to make you accept it. Aza… Tae Jun, fighting!!!”
“Hmm… Gomawo” he kissed my hand and said “thank you for your spirit” he smiled
I gave him some wise words and joke to make his feeling good. The doctor and nurses came to pick him, Marchel and I accompany him until operating range. I was crying when Tae Jun was operating. Marchel hugged me to make calmer. He said that I must rigid, so that I was happily because he with me on that time. When the operation finish, doctor said that it’s good. So I feel glad, and bring Tae Jun back.
When his regain consciousness, he told me that I have to call his parents. I used Tae Juns’ phone called his parents but he took his phone and spoke with his parents. I confused his action but I think he miss his parents.
2 days later, his parents came to the hospital. I wanna asked their feeling but they are missing his son, so that I tarried and went out from room. When I sat outside, I met Marchel and he carried out me. In the hospital garden, he gave me the food that he brought.
 “I bring this food for you, I don’t want you hungry. This is my hand made, could you taste it? I want to know the taste based on your opinion.” Marchel said with anxious
“Chinja? I could eat this?! Oh so sweet. I eat it now.” I said it then I eat the food. “Hmm… It’s delicious. Naneun neomu johahae… Mashita’… How did you cook it? I like it”
“Eh… I cook it with my love.” He said with cute face
“Love? Oh… how cute you are. Nice man. Btw, who do you love until result this food?” I asked him calmly.
“I made this food for the girl I love.” He shy said it
“Oh cute… My opinion for this food is mashita, delicious and enak. You could give it to the girl you love!” I said it while I eat it
“Huh… I cook this food for the only girl I love. I don’t give it to the other girl”
“Really?!” I said calmly
“Yah… And the girl I love is you!” he said explicitly and a little bit shy then I didn’t give attention to his statement “I love you… would you be my girl?”
“What?! Are you kidding?” I said it after I listen this words; I quiet a moment and said “you must be joking to me, ha…ha…ha…”
“Aniya… Naneun neorul saranghae. I truly love you. Trust me. I don’t lie to you. It was my feeling to you” he said explicitly to made me understand
“Oh my God…” I just could say that because it made me blank. I stop to continue my food, I meant eat. Am I should answer it now?! I don’t have feeling to him. He is my friend.
“Can’t you be mine? Why you haven’t answer my feeling?” he said it when I still thinking. “Kiekhy, do you have someone you love?”
“Aniyeyo… just… But you are my friend. I haven’t feel love to someone in Korean yet. I just love you as my friend”
“Really? Can’t you be my girl friend maybe you’ll be falling in love to me. Ok?!”
“Huh?! I can’t wanna do that. Hmm… What about you just make me wonder stricken maybe I can falling in love to you?” I said with shy
“Ok?! The first step has done, even though you ignore my feeling but that’s okay. I’m happy you like my food” he said it while hold my hand
“Huh?! Yeah… I like your food”
Even though I ignore his feeling, he wanted me to eat his food again but if I think, it was nice situation for me. He’s cute and funny, I like him even though I don’t love him. Well let me see the others step.
When I smiled to Marchel, I got a call from Tae Jun he asked me to entered his room. After I told it to Marchel, He hold my hands again then run into Tae Juns’ room.
“Hey, stop holding my hand. We’ll be meet Tae Juns’ parents!”
“Oh… Arasso.  Dowa dirigeyo.” He let me then knocked the door. “Annyong haseyo, yorobun.” he said a greeting to Tae Juns’ parents
“Good morning Mr and Ms. Kim, how do you do?” I said with an honor to them
“Eh… how do you do? Are you Kieki from Indonesia?” Ms. Kim asked me slowly
“Yes. How are Ms. Kim and Mr. Kim?” I replied it
“he…he…he… she’s nice.” Mr. Kim said it to Tae Jun. “We’re fine. I like you here.” he answer me while smiled.
“Tae Jun, how long you have this girl as your girl friend? I like her. She’s sweet.” Ms. Kim said it to Tae Jun
“HUUUUUHHH…..” Marchel and I said it in the same time.
Our expression made his parents confused. Marchel want to explain the wrong this thing but Tae Jun restrain him and he explain to Marchel that it just feign in front of his parents. When he explained it to Marchel, he asked me to make his parents comfort in here even though I confused it. I was invited by Marchel to go out from the room to buy food for Tae Juns’ parents. I went with him then he explained the problem. I really shock with Tae Juns’ lies but Marchel asked me to join on his fish story even though he’s not willing that.
Marchel wasn’t on hospital and Tae Juns’ parents were going. I did Tae Juns’ order as his girl friend in front of his parents even made me arguing. He explained it and said sorry for it. I can’t believe it but he’s my boss so I have to be dutifully to him.
“Why should I play role as your girl friend, why not the other girls you knew? Naega wae?” I said arguing
“Why? Do you have a boyfriend?” he asked me
“Aniyeyo… but…” I answer calmly
“Kieki, help me?!” he said it while cut my statement
“Eh! De… help you for what?” asked him with anxious
“I want try to walk. According doctor words, I must walk to make my blood stream good. Accompany me walking and help. Ok?!” he answered me
“Arassoyo… dowa dirigeyo.” I’m happy hear that he’ll be well. I help him to stand up and walk step by step. “Are you feeling good? Is it hurt you?”
“Aniya… just stiff but that’s okay. Maybe it stiff for the first time. Ok, keep help me huh?!” he said it while smile to me.
When we arrived in the hospital garden, he has been taken rest 3 times and now he sat again on a long chair. I always asked his healthy and told him some stories but he slept at my shoulder. I worry about him that he’ll be fall back so I changed his position to make him sleep well even though he’s outside. I put his head in my thigh. When I was waiting him, I look his face and wipe his head. I think he’s cute, handsome and I remember when he smiled to me used to be but there’s something wrong with me. My heartbeat was fast, I don’t know why but it kept fast. I take my mind off but the beats faster.
“Oh God, what’s wrong with me. Why my heart beats faster. Oh… oh… oh…” I was worry
I try to remove his head but I was his parents arrive in hospital. I wanna call them but Tae Jun said some words, I can’t hear it because he still slept. I tried to listen his words by came near to his mouth but he said “hey” slowly then I looked toward his face. I stood still quiet when his face so close to me. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I was shock for a moment then he kissed my lip. I don’t know what I should do. I stopped him to make me relax but I couldn’t.
“Are you alright?” I asked it to make me relax
“Ya… I just kissed you… But why you stop it” He said happiness with anxious
“I wanna ask you that… why did you kiss me? It make me shock.” I said it panic
“Ya?! Don’t you have kissed me? Or you just want to kiss me? Cause when I wake up, you have been so close. I was thinking about that when I saw you closer and quiet.” He answered me.
“Mweo?! Oh God… who want it? You’re my boss and you’re not my boyfriend. Oh God” I said it with dissapointed
“Hey! You are my girlfriend so it fairly” he said it calmly
 “Yah?! Chinja…” I said it then I pushed him to not sleep in my thigh but I made him sick “Oh… Tae Jun, are you alright? It is hurt you?! I don’t mean did it. Oh God… What should I do???” I panicky look him
“Oh… my waist sick. Help me Kieki!”
“Ok… but eotteokke?! What I must do for you?”
Then I saw a nurse on that area. I asked her to give me a wheel chair. I brought Tae Jun back to the room by using wheel chair. On the way I asked him about what he has done to me on the garden, but he just ignored me. I was angry to him then he want to answer it but when he just said a word, his mother disturb him. So he can’t answer my question. Oh God… I just could forgive him and ignore the problem. His parents always give praise to our relation.
When Tae Juns’ healthy back like used to be, his parents back to Australia because they have leave their job too long but I was happy because I stop play role as Tae Juns’ girlfriend. Marchel call me that he could express his feeling again to me. I just could smile to him.
“Kieki… I need orange juice. You should bring it to my room. I was busy typing my story. Palli!” Tae Jun asked me to bring him orange juice but I heard someone coming.
“Yeah… who’s outside?”
“It’s me. Marchel Kie.” He said it so I open the door then he gave me his love food and a branch of red roses. I like it.
“Thank you Marchel, I’ll eat your food with you. Wait a minute… I should bring this juice for Tae Jun. I keep hold this flower. Gomawoyo…” I said it while I smell the flower. I went to Tae Jun room. “Hello Mr. Kim. This is your Juice.” I said it while I put the glass on the table.
“Hey... Do you want to give me that flower?” he took it from my hand. “Thank you Kieki”.
“Eh? Animmida. It’s for me from Marchel.” I said it then took back the flower. “He came to meet me. He gives me his food and this flower. I like it” I said with a proud.
He was angry to me. He asked me to make him food but I confused, because he never eat on that time. I refused his order, and then went to Marchel place. I have a lunch with Marchel. I was happy eat with him, so I try to give mouthful of his food but Tae Jun seized that food and then he ate it. I want to angry to him but Marchel was here so I just could calmly let it go.
“Yah… Tae Jun. Why are you eating that, It’s mine for Kieki.” Marchel said it angry
“Chinja? I’m hungry, I ordered her to make food for me but she won’t. So I just could eat this. This is her fault.” He explain while ate it.
“Aigoo... mianheyo Marchel, I don’t know he will do that. Mianheyo. Hmm… What about if I make some food for you and for him?” I said it to Marchel while I referenced him.
“OK… but why you make it for him too?” Marchel asked confused
“Uh… I make it to prevent him angry maybe he still hungry. The important is the food will be made by me, myself. OK!” I said it with a twinkle in eye to make him enjoy.
I made a lunch for three of us even I confuse for Tae Jun action. I think Marchel didn’t tell him his feeling to me. I’m happy; I have lunch with them, my friend from Indonesia. I love them.
One month have been past, I still alone. Every time I got a present from Marchel, it made me wonder that he really loves me but I confused with my feeling. I thought I have feeling my love to Tae Jun more than Marchel. When I compared Marchel and Tae Jun attitudes, Marchel got more. Marchel did anything for me even I didn’t have feeling to him but I more love Tae Jun even he always disturb me. From my compared for them, my result is Marchel. I tried to be his girlfriend because he is the only man loves me. On the next day, I told Marchel that I’ll be his girlfriend. After Tae Jun knew my relation with Marchel, he angry to me. I don’t know why. He more annoyed me and gave more orders to me.
“Are you angry to me? Why is your attitude like this? It make me confused.” I asked Tae Jun
“Do you want to know it?” he asked me back
“Keuregeyo.. wae?”
“I jealous to him, because you more care to than me. It makes your service for me different.” He said it angry
“Really?! Sorry… but I did your order as usual. If I made mistakes, please forgive me.” I said it for apologiz. “What about if you have a girlfriend, so that you’ll get more care from her. OK!
“What! Do you want me to have a girlfriend?” Tae Jun confused
“Yeah… maybe you have a girl in Korean do you like. Just be her couple. A girl always cares to his boyfriend.” I said it even though it’s hard on my heart.
“Ok. I’ll do that.” He said it while angry and went out.
I have been Marchel girlfriend for 3 months but I didn’t falling in love to him. In the fact, I always jealous to Tae Jun couple, sometimes I tried to ignore them by using my status as Marchel girl but I can’t. I like them both. It makes me down hearted.
“Kieki, are you alright?” Marchel asked me
“Hmm… don’t you have feeling to me?”
“Huh?! Yap… but that’s Ok.”
“Eh… Kieki, I don’t want to make you hurting or be my couple defensiveness. If you can’t be like this, that’s okay for me if you want to break it”
“Aniya… I don’t want you get hurt because of me.”
“Oh… thank you darling. It makes me proud to be your couple but me too. I don’t want you hurt or confuse for our relation. Since you have been my couple, I feel that you don’t have special feeling for me even though you care to me. Our relation same like used to be, you’ve not been my girlfriend. I feel fidgety with our connection. That’s okay for me if you just want me to be your friend.”
“I’m so sorry if I make you like that, but that’s true. I haven’t special feeling for you. I love you as my best friend. I’m so sorry Machel. Hmm… for our relation, I’ll think about it. I don’t we get hurt now. For me, you are my sweetheart. You are important for me.”
“Ok…” he said it but his face expressed sadness
Some days after that meeting Marchel asked me to have a dinner with him. I said went dinner with him because Tae Jun wasn’t at home on night. Tae Jun went with his couple. When we have dinner, Marchel expressed his feeling and said the sweet things on his experienced with me. He accompany me back to Tae Jun house but he told me that he want us to break. He won’t be my couple. I felt sadness when I heard it because he just expressed his feeling. He told me that he don’t want have relationship like this, He love me but maybe he could falling in love with other a girl. I was crying because of his decision then he hugged me and shed tears. He asked me to kiss him for the ends of our love fairly. I did it to him with tears but suddenly Tae Jun came in a blow to Marchel head. I’m shock for Tae Jun action. I want to help Marchel but he replied Tae Jun swat. He has strike Tae Jun many times, it made me more shocked and confused them.
“Marchel, stop it!” I ordered him. “Why you did it Marchel? And you, Tae Jun… you kick Marchel? Why? Isn’t he your best friend? Oh God…” I said firmness to them. “Are you alright? Marchel are you okay?”
“Yeah, that’s okay it just flesh wound on my lip. Look at him; you should dress a wound for him. He gets injury.” Marchel said it with a worry
“You, too… I’ll treat your injury.” I took Tae Jun which was fall down and said it to Marchel.
“That’s okay. I’ll go now. Take cares him. Annyong” he said it to then he went out.
I bring Tae Jun to his room and treat his injury. I asked him why he beat Marchel but he just quiet without a word out from his mouth. I got a call from Marchel at 11 pm. he was in a small shop that we always come to eat. The owner of small shop said that Marchel was drunkenness, he have drink bear. So, I go there and bring him to Tae Juns’ home. I did it because I was thinking about his feeling. I call Marchel parents to not worry about him because he wants to sleep in Tae Juns’ home. I have said a lie to his parents. It’s hard for me but I should protect him. I take a bearing Marchel on my bed because I can’t bring him upstairs. I treat his injured. Let him slept well like Tae Jun. I slept at the sofa on the living room.
“Anyeong haseyo, Kieki…” Tae Jun said it to make me wake up.
“Hmm... Gwenchanayo?” I said it when I saw his injured last night.
“Ne… gwenchana. Btw, what are you doing here? Why did you sleep in this sofa?”
“Oh…” I stand up and went to my bedroom. When I saw him sleep well, I was relief.
“Nuguseyo? Hah! Marchel’s here?” he said it sartled
When I heard his voice, I covered his mouth with my hand. I brought him to living room and asked him to not speak loudly.
“Why is Marchel at your room? Wasn’t he go last night?”
“Aigoo… I bring him last night. He is sick.”
“Wae?!” Tae Jun asked confusing
“It’s because of me… aigoo… he was despondent.”
“Despondent?! What’s wrong with you both?”
“Aigoo… don’t ask me again. I want to take a bath. Don’t wake him up. Ok?!” I said it while go upper storey.
After I took a bath, I cook food and prepared it on the table. Tae Jun wants to eat with me but I restrained him. I awaked Marchel but he was confused with his self. I explained the truly thing have done last night. He laughed and say thank you. I asked him to have a breakfast with me and Tae Jun but he refused it because he shied to Tae Jun. I asked Tae Jun to invited Marchel breakfast. He did it and Marchel join him. They have mutual forgiven. Our relation Tae Jun, Marchel and me back like used to be. I glad to be a part of their life. I tried to joke with them.
A month later, Marchel have a new girlfriend and Tae Jun broke with his couple. I tried to work in a restaurant. Tae Jun forbidden me to work there but I choose it because I realized that I couldn’t always live and work in Tae Jun home.
I told my mother that I’ll be live here and choose citizenship in Korean. It’s hard got her permission; I should take a promise to always connect her. She told me to give her a travel in Korean. 2 weeks later my mother came to Korean. Tae Jun, Marchel and I pick her in airport. Before she came, I have been out from Tae Jun house. I rented a house near from his house, so I could work easier.  
I brought my mother around this city for two weeks. I always accompany by Tae Jun. Marchel want to accompany me but I disturb him because of his girl. We delivered my mother in airport because she will back to Indonesia. After I just accompany Tae Jun to his house, suddenly David was in front of me. He has followed me in Korean since my mother came.
“Why are you here and how can you find me?” I asked him confused
“Oh Kieki… I miss you.” He said it then hug me.
“David, released me. I can’t breathe. But answer my question?” I said it
 “Yeah, I’ll tell you in that small shop while we eat. Ok?!”
“Alright. You should answer my question!”
He answered my questions. He told me that he want to come back with me. He loves me, so that he tried picked me in this country. He needs me as his wife. I refuse him then asked me my reason. I told him that I didn’t have feeling at him but he kept think his purposed was the right thing. Then I was thinking about Tae Jun action when his parents came, so I told David that I have a couple, he was Tae Jun. he confused.
“Tae was your boss. He’s not your boyfriend. That’s the truth, isn’t it?!” he asked me like that
“Actually he is my boyfriend. I just hide it from my mother to make her enjoy this country. First time, he was my boss then he loves me and I love him too.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“Off course not, why should I lie at you?”
“So that, introduce him at me. I mean I want to meet him right now.”
“Huh... alright, he is at home.”
I went to Tae Juns’ house as a proved, so that he leaved me. While I was walking, I gave a massage for Tae Jun about this problem and I want him to be my boyfriend for a moment. When we arrived, I called Tae Jun.
“Tae Jun, I come home.”
“Yeah, darling…” he said it while downstairs.
“Who is he darling?”
“He is my friend in Indonesia, his name is David.”
“Oh… David… he is your ex couple. How are you david?”
“Fine thanks.”
“I’m Tae Jun her couple love. Btw, what are you doing here?”
“Eh… I come because I miss her.” He said while kiss my cheek
“Oh…(he angry with David action) nice to meet you, David! Darling, make us coffee please!”
“Yes, my dear.”
After I gave them their coffees, I sat beside Tae Jun. He talked about me with David. Then he kissed my cheek. It made me confused but might it’s just an action to remove David. But David didn’t go when he knew my boyfriend.  We could say it’s rivalry between David and Tae Jun. 2 week David in Korean, it made me understand his feeling. I proud about his feeling at me but I don’t have love at him too. It is gone now. So many things Tae Jun did for me, it made me happy to be his girlfriend even just a fish story, wasn’t true.
I guest; I have feeling at Tae Jun although I thought it just for my closer friend for the first time. I love Tae Jun more than Marchel. I always miss him when he wasn’t with me. I remember his annoyed and disturbed at me. I jealous when I saw him with his girlfriend used to be. I yearn for his smile, laugh and seriousness at his face. I always worry and think about him. I love him. I love Tae Jun. I want to tell him about my feeling but I can’t because I worry about his feeling. May be he didn’t love me because if he love me, he didn’t date with his ex girlfriend. May be he said his feeling at me. I always think about this problem then in my mind rise an idea. I can’t tell him my feeling to make me always his beside and look at him as long as I could.
One day in the morning, when I was in front of Tae Jun home, I met David.
“You lie at me, don’t you?” David asked me with anxious
“Why you say that. I don’t understand” I answer him while in my mind ‘oh God, I was found out by him. How did he know it?’
“Yah… your activity and his too is so strange, so I accurate it. Someone told me that you don’t have any date now.”
“What?! How could you like that? Oh God… you don’t believe me. Who said that?”
“I did it because I want you. I need you to be mine. I love you. And about the person who told me about you, I won’t tell you.”
“What! I know you love me but I don’t. I have someone I love. So stop to get me. May be in Indonesia, you’ll be falling in love. OK?!”
“No… I won’t. I love you for long time. So why should I look for another love if you are in front of me.” He said it then hugged me.
“Take off me. David, Let me go.” I tried to take off his arms, but I can’t
Tae Jun came and removed me from David arms. He asked David about this problem. And David answered it.
“What are you saying? You need a proof for this? Ok.” Tae Jun said it then kissed my cheeks and hug me.
I really confused with his action in this time but I love it. It will help me to remove David in this Korean and my life. He asked David about his action, but David didn’t believe it. He said he keep want me and bring me back to Indonesia. I was confused about this thing then I have an idea to surrender him. I kissed Tae Juns’ lips. When I tried to stop it, Tae Jun responded to replied my kiss, so it’s smooch. I was like his girlfriend when we smooched. I want to say my feeling at him but I released existence David. When we are smooching, David went without any word. After he has gone, I want to stop to kiss him but he didn’t stop. I am going backward to stop it. Then he move forward and hug me. I was confusing with his action, is he loves me or not.
“Tae Jun don’t you see David has gone? Why are you keep hugging me?”
“Eh…” he said it after a minute I asked him. He stop hugged me and went to his room.
I want to follow him to continue my question but I can’t. I released my action. It’s not purely to remove David. I did it because I love him. I was shy, I can’t face him. I want to say my feeling at him but I’m shy and wrought up when we meet each other, so lose my changed.
Dinner time, I want dinner alone so I tried first before Tae Jun came. When I want eat that food, he was coming to the table. I want to go but I can’t. He disturbed me to go. So I sit back again. He ate with me without any word to talking. After we have dinner, he wanted to answer my question at him.
“Kieki, saranghae… I’m always thinking about you, dreaming you, and missing you. I have this feeling since the accident in bathroom up stairs…” He explained the first fault I did in this house.
“Huh… you must be kidding… you want to annoy me again, don’t you?” I was happy and confused too.
“No… I love you from my heart. I don’t lie to you now. I love you and what I did this morning and in the hospital is true. I want to say my feeling but I can’t I’m afraid…”
“Really?! Oh my God… but if you love me why did you date with your ex-girlfriend? Why didn’t you tell me your feeling?”
“It’s because you have Marchel, I’m jealous saw you with him. I want to say my feeling at you but you asked me to have a girlfriend so I took it because it’s your order.”
“So that your attitude in that time because of me. I’m so sorry. I don’t mean to hurt you. I’m with Marchel because he always tries to make me falling in love with him even though I just love him as friend. He realized my feeling and he chose to break our status as a couple of love. He hugged me for the last as his couple and you came and beat him. Don’t you remember it?”
“Oh… Miyanhae. I don’t want did it in that time but I’m so jealous saw you with him. I’m so sorry… but how about you feeling at me now? Do you love me? Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
“Ah… I’m falling in love with someone and he is handsome, cute, nice and kind. He always annoyed me and makes me think and worry about him. I love him. He looks like a sun for me. Give me light to face the world.”
“What?! So you love him. Who is he?” he disappointed with my answer.
“Should I tell you?” I said it while smile
“Yes, although I’ll be hurt but that’s okay. This is for your happiness.”
“He is you… I love you Tae Jun. Saranghaeyo”
“Chinja? You really love me? Oh my God… thank you Kie, Saranghandago…”
He was happy.  He hugged and kissed me. I love him. Tae Jun is the light of my life.
3 years later, Tae Jun marriage me and then we happy together… I have 3 cute children and handsome husband. We live in Korean. Marchel have 2 sons with his wife in Korean. So, we still best friend although we have each family. This is my life and my love story. I love it.

please comment if my grammar and structure is wrong... i need your critics. thank you has reading ^_^